Analysts See Conundrum for Opposition in Political Dealing

Cambodian political analysts say the opposition is now facing a dilemma, as public pressure continues for a just solution for alleged election fraud. That has limited the opposition’s ability to deal for a political solution, analysts said this week. However, with the return of King Norodom Sihamoni on Wednesday, the political tensions could be eased, they said. King Sihamoni has invited Prime Minister Hun Sen and leaders of his ruling Cambodian People’s Party to join in talks with representatives of the Rescue Party. In a letter, the king invited vested parties to the Royal Palace on Saturday at 9 am. … Analysts say the opposition must now decide between a political solution or public demands for justice over the election. “I think the leaders of the [Rescue Party] are facing heaving difficulties in negotiating, because…the public movement seems to be for wanting justice from the election,” said Hang Puthea, head of the election-monitoring group Nicfec. “So in my understanding this is controversial.” …

Sok Khemara